International Sahaja Public School

The International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India is a school run by the Sahaja Yoga movement. The school was founded in 1990.

International Sahaja Public School
Talnoo, Dharamshala, H.P., India

‘The Himalayas are the Sahasrara that Mother Earth has created for you. This Sahasrara
is to be worshipped. This Sahasrara is very great. I don’t know if you can see vibrations emitting
from it. I am completely engulfed by their vibrations that I cannot see anything else. There are
only vibrations and vibrations, nothing else. Those who are residing here are swimming in
vibrations and seem like fish swimming in the ocean of vibrations. You cannot distinguish one
from the other. I cannot describe in words the splendor of the beautiful vibrations that are spread
here. This is indeed the blessings of the Himalayas.
The Himalayas are the Sahasrara of the whole Universe. They have given the whole Universe so
much comfort and joy after which there is nothing more to be attained. With the help of this
Sahasrara, I have opened your Sahasrara.’
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Talnoo ,March 1985

ISPS is situated at Talnoo, Dharamshala, at the
foothills of the Himalayan range called Dhaulagiri,
the ‘sacred white mountain’.

Vision ISPS

  • An educational system that is based on our innate spiritual potential and is imbued with
    the teachings of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Our children evolve into adults who
    face all challenges of life with an integrated and balanced personality.
  • – Innocence, wisdom and purity .
  • – Creativity and spontaneity
  • – Inner balance, inner satisfaction and inner peace.
  • – Righteousness and self-discipline.
  • – Compassion and fearlessness.
  • – Collectivity and detachment.
  • – Humility and forgiveness.
  • – Joy

The school seeks to realize the full potential of its students in academics and in their spiritual
Aim & Objectives
ISPS students pursue their education in a loving, family atmosphere with a fundamental
connection and awareness of their spiritual energy. They are equipped to maintain a balance
in all aspects of life through the practice of Sahaja Yoga as part of their daily routine. They
develop wisdom and discretion, the ability to make dharmic choices and live in a collective
environment with respect, love and joy. The ISPS family nurtures awareness of
responsibilities towards the individual self, fellow students, all the staff and the
environment. The ISPS student emerges with excellent maturity and sensibility towards
fellow human beings, and becomes a dynamic , dharmic and model citizen of the world.
Meditation is the corner-stone of Sahaja culture. The children not only meditate but learn
through practice how to lead meditation, to generate vibrations and how to clear the subtle
system. The children are taught Indian music which enables them to sing the Bhajans and
devotional songs, not only with blissful vibrations, but also with technical proficiency .
The meditations, Havans and Pujas performed are joyous occasions.
The Computer Lab is equipped with computers with internet facility and overhead projector as
directed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.
The school is connected to Broadband Internet, which enables the administrative staff, the
teachers and dorm staff to keep in touch with the world and obtain educational and information
material. The senior children get personal internet time once a week, as well as for computer
studies and for their projects.
Science Labs
The new academic block is well-equipped with three science laboratories, one each for
Physics, Chemistry and Biology , matching international standards.
The school has two general libraries with about 3000 books besides an extensive library of
Sahaja Yoga books and Shri Mataji’s audio and video CDs. VCDs/ DVDs of academic aids,
documentaries and general films, considered suitable for young minds, are also available. There
is a recreation hall for celebrations and watching films.
The school is affiliated with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
bearing number H.P.016 which administers the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
(I.C.S.E). This board was set up in 1956 to administer University of Cambridge Local Syndicate
Examinations. The School conducts classes from class 1 to 12, being a Higher Secondary
Shri Mataji chose this curriculum Herself because it has a high academic standard, being
quite practical and not too methodological. The standard is higher than State Boards in
India, and is at par with General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in UK or
equivalent in other countries.

The School’s session begins in the month of March and ends in December.

Medium of instruction is English
Subjects Studied at ISPS
Junior School Senior School
English, Mathematics, Science,
Social Studies (History, Civics,
Geography), Hindi,
Sahaja Yoga, Computers
English, Mathematics, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, History, and
Civics, Geography, Political Science
(for Class XI & XII) Computer
Application, Hindi, German, Sahaja
Yoga and Physical Education, Art
(Nature Drawing/Still
Life/Imaginative Composition)

Extra Curricular Activities
-Music: Instrumental music – Tabla, Harmonium, Dholak, Guitar and Indian
classical music and bhajans.
-Dance: Indian classical and folk dance.
-Art and Craft: Drawing, painting, paper work, clay work, modeling, pottery .
-Woodwork: Wood – carving, Toy-making, Structural woodwork.
Sports: Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton, Chess, Carrom, Khokho
The School has a state of the art Indoor stadium for all sports.

Several excursion trips are made throughout the year.
Trekking from the school to surrounding mountains, outings to water-parks,
museums and places of local interest.
Children attend Sahaja Yoga programs in near-by towns and villages.
A Film is screened for juniors and seniors separately on weekends and holidays.
The choice of films is made by the students and members of film committee.
Supervised cable TV (Animal Planet etc.) and educational/ cultural films are also

Health Unit

The School is well equipped with medical facilities that includes allopathic, homeopathic and
ayurvedic medicines. The medical staff run a daily clinic with the help of qualified staff nurse
and attendants. For follow up treatment, children are taken to the best hospitals in Kangra
district and to Dharamshala for dental care.
The School provides a mixture of nutritious Indian and Continental cuisine to students. The
menus are drawn up by a committee including students with plenty of fresh fruits,
vegetables, and salads. Senior students are given buffet style meals while Dorm managers
serve meals to Juniors. The school has its own bakery where fresh bread, buns, cakes etc. are
Mobile Facility
A mobile phone is provided every weekend to all students to speak with their family.
Laundry Facility
The School has an on-site laundry facility.

Admissions open for the next session

For assistance of students visa/ visa recommendation letter to Indian Embassy, please send
following details of the child:

  • Date of Birth
  • Passport No.
  • Passport Issue Date
  • Passport Expiry Date
  • For Indian Students submission of Adhaar Card details is mandatory along with the
    enrollment form.
    For any further queries or information please contact at:
  • Principal: Ph. No. : + ( 91) 7831023193/7838505789
  • Vice-Principal : Ph.No. + (91) 9736674777
  • Office Manager: Ph. No. : + ( 91) 7832979082
  • Director: Ph. No. : + ( 91) 7832978275
    International Sahaja Public School
    Talnoo, Dharamshala, H.P., India

Contact Details

School Address:
International Sahaja Public School
Naddi, Talnoo, Dharamshala Cantt.
Dharamshala, Dist. – Kangra
Himachal Pradesh – 176216, India
Contact no. : +91 7832979082, Toll-free: 8929-140-120

Special Requests, concerns, emergencies, approvals. Please contact:
Principal : Mrs. Arpita Sharma

Phone: +91 7831023193, E-mail :

For Academic queries

Vice Principal: Mr Sasheej Oram Pokkil

Phone: +91 7832994545, E-mail :

For Finance (School Fee) :

Admissions & Office Matters
Office Manager : Mrs. Sfurti Sharma Maity, Phone : +91 7832979082, e-mail :

Visa & FRO, Admin.Manager: Mr. Manish Motwani, Phone : +91 7831024060, e-mail :

Please be aware that the internet connection at the school can be inconsistent, so immediate responses to e-mails are not always possible.

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