Zaidi Shia

Zaidi Shia Islam is a particular branch inside the bigger Shia Muslim people group, following its underlying foundations to Zaid ibn Ali, the grandson of Imam Ali and Fatimah, the little girl of Prophet Muhammad. This branch has a rich history, unmistakable religious convictions, and plays had a huge impact…

Houthi movement

Houthi movement

Houthi development, aggressor development in northern Yemen initially drove by Hussein Badr al-Noise al-Houthi, a Yemeni lawmaker and political dissident from the Zaydī faction of Islam, and established in Zaydī revivalism. The development (Arabic ḥarakat) calls itself Anṣār Allāh (“Protectors of God”); the promoted term “Houthi development” alludes eponymously to…